Miess, Michael and Schmelzer, Stefan and Lichtblau, Günther and Stix, Sigrid and Gerbaulet, Clemens and Schill, Wolf-Peter and Totschnig, Gerhard and Litzlbauer, Markus and Ščasný, Milan and Weinzettell, Jan and Máca, Vojtěch and Zvěřinová, Iva and Czajkowski, Mikolaj (2015) DEFINE Synthesis Report: DEFINE - Development of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility. Project Report.
Schmelzer, Stefan and Miess, Michael (2015) Combined Report on Work Package 6. Deliverable 6.1: Report on the Calibrated and Validated CGE Model with Implemented Scenarios Ready for Use. Deliverable 6.2: A Set of Simulation Results and Case StudiesDevelopment of an Evaluation Framework for the Introduction of Electromobility. Project: DEFINE - Development of an Evaluation Framework for the INtroduction of Electromobility. Project Report. Wien.